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Lauria cylindracea (Da Costa, 1778)
Chrysalis Snail
Family: Lauriidae
Species account author: Robert Forsyth.


© Kristiina Ovaska     (Photo ID #2596)


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Distribution of Lauria cylindracea in British Columbia in British Columbia

Species Information


Among species of pupilloids in BC, Lauria cylindracea is most similar to species of Pupilla, but differing by the presence of apertural denticles at all stages of growth. In adults, the angular denticle is connected to the palatal lip near the suture by a callus.


Small (maximum mature height: 4.1 mm); growth determinate; subcylindrical to subovate; subtranslucent. Whorls: ca 6; spire whorls convex. Spire: elongate; sides slightly convex; apex bluntly rounded. Suture: indented. Last whorl: not descending to the peristome; constriction of whorl behind the baso-palatal lip almost non-existent; no apparent crest. Periphery: rounded, medial on last whorl. Protoconch: ca 1½ whorls, smooth. Teleoconch sculpture: fine, irregular incremental striae. Periostracum: simple, cuticular; frequently worn. Umbilicus: small; partially occluded by the columellar lip. Aperture: subovate. Peristome: incomplete. Apertural dentition: 1 prominent, &plusm; tubercular denticle, generally connected to the lip with a callus; sometimes 1 columellar and 1 subcolumellar denticle; juveniles with columellar and parietal folds and several small, flat, transverse lamellae inside the whorl. Palatal and baso-columellar lip: expanded into a broad, flat face; palatal lip often strongly thickened and almost dentate. Peristome, viewed from side: prosocline. Parietal callus: glazed, transparent. Colour (periostracum): brown or grey-brown, &plusm; shining; grey when periostracum worn away; lip and apertural dentition white.


Dark blue-grey to grey, becoming paler on the sides and sole of the foot (Reeve 1863, Barker 1999). Tail of crawling animals short and not extending behind the shell (Barker 1999). Anatomy Reproductive anatomy is described and figured by Steenberg (1925) and Barker (1999), both of whom also studied and illustrated other organ systems. Aphally is unknown in this species, in contrast to many other species within the Orthurethra.


Gardens; disturbed sites


Global range


BC range Well-established populations occur in British Columbia. This species is common around Vancouver and on southern Vancouver Island, and occasional in the Fraser Valley (Forsyth 1999, 2004).



Genus probably named in honour of John Edward Gray’s niece, Laura Gray (Kennard and Woodward 1926); the gender is feminine. Species epithet, from the Latin, meaning "cylindrical".

Status Information

Origin StatusProvincial StatusBC List
(Red Blue List)
ExoticSNAExoticNot Listed

BC Ministry of Environment: BC Species and Ecosystems Explorer--the authoritative source for conservation information in British Columbia.

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Turbo cylindracea da Costa, 1778

Additional Range and Status Information Links

General References